Welcome to my website dedicated to Sara Bareilles. I have been a fan of her's for it seems like forever and so when my compsci class required me to choose a band/music artist she seemed like the logical choice. Her songs really speak to me, or sing to me. I made a funny. I'm not going to write you an about page because you asked for it, or because you need one. You see? This text under coding it's just saying things you want to hear. My heavy heart can not find the words to write. And some may ask me why I'm typing all of this randomness, well let me tell you. Reasons. It's because of reasons. I will someday replace all these random blurts of words with actual content but for now I am hungry and tired and I can't think so like just consider this under construction. Like the waitress in waitress' life. She didn't get it together until Lulu was born right? Right. So overall Sara Bareilles is a wonderful singer and songwriter who has inspired many a doodle from me.